Given the chance visiting RMIT to attend the RMIT Capstone Showcase & Award Ceremony 2023, Ahamove was entirely grateful for having a chance to join in such a professional and well-organized event. Upon Ahamove as an entrepreneur, this was not just an event, it also especially remarked a memorable collaboration between Ahamove and RMIT students along with the Capstone project until the day the project was released. 


At the Award Ceremony, Ms. Vu Thi My Hao - Technical Program Manager of Ahamove showed her encouragement and inspiration to all students taking part in the RMIT Capstone 2023 project in general and the RMIT students joining in the project with Ahamove in specific. She also has expressed her thankfulness for the opportunity to partner with RMIT and hoped that Ahamove had brought valuable knowledge and experiences to the students in their practical projects and became a part of their first step to success.

_MG_4547web.JPG_MG_4552web.JPGVia this event, we hope that RMIT x Ahamove can have more collaboration with other projects in the near future. Ahamove believes that Capstone Showcase 2023 was an ideal beginning for further opportunities to collaborate with RMIT in the future.



Join Ahamove now at:

🌐 Website: https://lnkd.in/gBHFZHYR

💓 Facebook: https://lnkd.in/gsvYwNFh

#AhamovexRMIT #SSET #Capstone2023